Meet the editor

Brenna Bailey-Davies
Hi! My name is Brenna. I love working on stories because I believe in the power of words. Stories can change lives and create magic.
Besides editing, I write queer contemporary romance. My first series, the Juniper Creek Golden Years novels, is complete and available wherever you buy books. If you're interested, check out my author website.

In my spare time, I devour as many books as I can; my latest reads and reviews are on my author Instagram. I also love travelling and baking, and part of my heart resides in Scotland, where I completed my university degree.
I live, work, and play in Mohkinstsis, which is on Treaty 7 land in Southern Alberta. Mohkinstsis is the Blackfoot name for Calgary and means where the Bow River and the Elbow River meet. I am grateful to make my home on this land with my game-loving spouse and our adorable fur-baby.
Bachelor of Arts from the University of Calgary and the University of Aberdeen (2017)
Editing Certificate from Simon Fraser University (2019)
ALLi: Alliance of Independent Authors
Alexandra Writers' Centre Society
Edmonton Public Library Talk: Working With an Editor (2024)
ACES VCON24: Let's Talk About Sex—On Editing Sex Scenes (2024)
When Words Collide: Choosing Your Publishing Path—Self-Pub , Trad Pub, and Beyond (2024)
When Words Collide: Revise and Thrive—A Comprehensive Guide to Self-Editing (2024)
When Words Collide: Crafting with Care—How Authenticity Reading Enhances Your Writing (2024)
When Words Collide: Going Indie (And What That Means, Anyway) (2024)
Author Ever After Workshop: Sensitivity Reads a.k.a. Authenticity Reads (2023)
ACES VCON23: Both Sides of the Page: From Editor to Author and Back Again (2023)
Dot & Dash's Writing Accountability Group: Author Q&A (2023)
Editors Calgary Shop Talk: When Editors Are Also Authors (2023)
Editors Atlantic interview: Being an Editor and an Author (2022)
Writing Wanderlust Podcast: A Journey in Editing with Brenna Bailey-Davies (2022)
Editors Canada webinar: Niching Down: How Specializing Can Boost Your Business (2022)
Quill & Cup webinar: Building Community for Success (2022)
ACES webinar: Working with Self-Publishing Authors (2022)
Editors Canada webinar: Self-Editing for Fiction Authors (2022)
ACES webinar: Overcoming Overwhelm (2021)
Writers of Strange Fiction Convention: How to Write Sex Scenes (2021)
Writers of Strange Fiction Convention: Working with Freelance Editors (2021)
Indie Know Podcast: S1 E2 (2021)
The Midnight Quill Podcast: S2 E2: How to Edit Your Own Book (2021)